Monday 10 December 2012

Visual Kei Sydney first event – Hajimemashou!

Event held On December 8 2012
So, here it is – our very first entry! To give a background to this blog:
Visual Kei Sydney is a facebook group dedicated to bringing people with a shared interest together. Originally, this started with another facebook group Jrock Visual Kei for Australia, which at present has almost 400 members. From this main group, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane groups broke off in order to arrange group events and meet-ups. This blog is an accessory to the Visual Kei Sydney group. We use the group primarily for planning events, but we thought the blog would be a great place to show others what we do, hopefully encouraging more people to join in! This blog will include members comments about group meet-ups, but may also include other relevant blog entries such as album reviews or general banter about our favourite bands.
We welcome any one in or around the Sydney area (or if you frequently come to Sydney etc and are interested in meeting up) with an interest in Jrock and/or Visual Kei to join our group. We don’t exclude anyone, but simply ask that you be respectful and considerate towards everyone (in plain talk, no bitchy bitchy thanks). Now, onto the main blog topic, our first meet up! Please be aware that I have abbreviated some members names to initials, as I didn’t get permission to post their names and don’t feel comfortable doing so without it!
Well, after much planning, discussion and many off topic tangents, we finally had our first event! There are currently only 28 members of the Jrock/Visual Kei Sydney group. Of those members, some of them are admin from the Melbourne and Brisbane groups (we like to stay in touch with each other), and some live outside of Sydney (but closer to Sydney than Melb or Brissie) – as far away as Canberra! And also, naturally it’s impossible to pick a date/time where every single group member can join….that being said, we still ended up with 11 people participating! Pretty good for a first event and such a small group!
Our first event was to be a picnic in Hyde Park, followed by karaoke. We had all agreed to bring some sort of snacks for the picnic, some people brought home made treats, other store bought – they were all awesome (^o^)/
I arrived about 10 mins early, and I found Olivia, Ameera and Marie quite easily purely based on Facebook profile pictures haha. Olivia seemed particularly excited about the meet up, which helped to break the ice quite a lot! It was nice to finally meet the three of them and get a little time to chat to them before the others arrived. A little later three more of our girls, Alisa, W and K, showed up and we sort of ended up settling in our meeting spot for the picnic, right beside the fountain in Hyde Park. 4pm came upon us, and Olivia and I decided walk around the fountain (it’s quite large) holding the group sign in case some other members were on the other side. In the end, it actually ended up grabbing too many peoples attention – I think they thought we were protesting something, or had something really meaningful to say on the sign – so people kept coming up to photograph it…but we just kept running away. It was really unexpected, so we didn’t know what to do and just ended up in balls of laughter o(>_<)o And we also failed to locate any group members.
We set up the food, I’d made some matcha and red bean manju, Alisa and K made some really yummy date and cinnamon cake, Olivia made some biscuits and Ameera brought some ice tea. We really had way too much food – but oh well! And not long after Y and Kwni found us and joined the party. It was really good to meet and talk to everyone! We didn’t do much in particular aside from talking. Ameera brought some speakers with her and Marie played some music from her ipod for us. I also brought some flyers with me I’d collected in Japan for the girls to have if they wanted…it was quite fun to hand those out, and I was happy I seemed to have flyers for some of the members favourite bands (^O^). I’s also brought some Jmags to flip through
OMG Food \(^O^)/
Photo by Olivia
Photo by Olivia
Photo by Olivia
At around 6pm, Olivia and W had to head home, but at the same time we were joined by J and S so we managed to get a few group photo’s with everyone thanks to Olivia who sort of got us organised and managed to find people happy to snap us – including one guy who turned out to be a professional photographer (and had also mistaken us for a Christian group haha). As mentioned, the plan for the event was to spend 2 hours at the picnic and then move to karaoke at 6pm for a couple of hours. We had wanted to go to Mizuya, which is quite popular and apparently has a really good range of Jrock and VK songs. However, we hadn’t made a reservation because there was an issue with the deposit. It took a bit of walking around and rejecting one karaoke place that we’d got set up in before finally setting in at Echo Point….which had been our original plan all along. At this stage, I had to leave the event. I’d had a virus all week that I hadn’t fully recovered from, and I think the walking from karaoke place to karaoke place kind of did me in. I just saw to it that everyone got set up, and headed for home where I crashed.
I don't remember dancing at all!
Photo by Alisa
Goodbye Hugs (T_T)/
Photo by Alisa
Photo by Olivia (technically taken by some random dude, I guess)
I’m so happy we did this meet-up, I was abit nervous beforehand, but our group certainly has some great people in it! I’m really looking forward to meeting some of the other group members who couldn’t make it, and also gathering new members along the way!
Photo by Olivia